Some of you may find this guide a bit noob friendly, but for me it has always worked no matter the game. Lycan is a powerful right-clicking carry who destroys his enemies with high damage and fast attack speed, but requires some micromanagement skills.
Lycan can also be used as a powerful split pusher due to his speed. This guide uses some jungling techniques until you gain some levels and enough gold to build your three core items.
From the start of the game ( early game ) you should go into the jungle and engage small neutral creeps ( Kobolds, Harpies ) and allow your summoned wolves to take most of the damage. By level 3 you are ready to engage bigger and stronger neutrals ( Ogres, Wolves ) who in turn gain you more gold. The secret to successful jungling with Lycan is that you should always try and pull neutrals out of their camps, and wait nearby so that new neutrals appear on the minute mark. This brings more neutrals in the camp, which gains you more gold in less time.
Your starting items should always be Ring of Basilius and Tangos. These two items give you Mana and Health regeneration which is essential for early game jungling.
The must build - three core items for Lycan are Power Treads, Vladmir's Offering and Medallion of Courage. These items give you increased Movement Speed, Attack Speed, Mana Regeneration, Health Regeneration and Lifesteal Aura which is very useful while you are attacking enemies because with each hit you regenerate your HP. The faster you attack, the faster you heal yourself.
Late Game Items
The late game items are determined by the game itself. If you decide to build Lycan more as a carry then you should go with Desolator, Abyssal Blade, Battle Fury and Mjollnir. Black King Bar can also come in very handy if your enemies have more supports or heroes depending on their spells to fight. Black King Bar will provide you with the ability to block most of those spells, which in turn can give you enough time and power to kill some of your enemies.
If at some point you figure out that you need more HP and survivability, you can always build your Lycan as more of a tank then carry and still own enemies on the map everywhere you go. Tank Lycan is also very powerful, and the items of choice should be Satanic, Hearth of Tarrasque and Assault Cuirass. These items with increase your Health, Armor, Attack Speed, Health Regeneration and Lifesteal Aura massively and will make you the King of fights and chasing enemies around the map ganking them.
The last thing you should try to do is be a split pusher. Although Lycan is great at that role, you are still a carry, and split pushing should be left to someone else in your team.
But split pusher Lycan should always go with these items. Necronomicon and Boots of Travel. Necronomicon will summon a Warrior and Archer to fight for you, which can be very useful, while Boots of Travel gives you that increased movement speed and the ability to Teleport from lane to lane or back to your base.
Levels & Abilities
Ability 1 - Summoned Wolves summons two wolves to fight for you under your control. As you increase the levels the wolves will gain critical strike and invisibility.
Ability 2 - Howl grants bonus damage to Lycan, all allied heroes, and all units under your control.
Ability 3 - Feral Impulse increases damage and attack speed to Lycan and all units under his control.
Ability 4 - Shapeshift transforms Lycan to his true form increasing his combat capabilities. During Shapeshift, Lycan and all units under his control move at maximum speed and cannot be slowed. This ability makes Lycan a blood thirsty carry with enough power to kill any enemy.
How you gain and use these ability and at which levels you can see from the picture to the right. And you should take them in exactly that order if you want to have a successful jungling and making Lycan the powerful beast that he can be.
This way of playing Lycan has almost always worked for me, with like 90% successful rate of winning.
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