As a first guide on this blog, I decided to open it up with one if my all time favorite heroes, or should I say supports. Dazzle!
What makes him one of my favorite heroes is mostly his flexibility and ability to adopt to any game and any role. This guide focuses on him as a support, using his healing ability to keep allied carry in lane as long as possible, making sure he survives with Shallow Grave while peaking later in the game with his powerful Poison Touch.
If you think I have made a mistake with some of his items, abilities or whatever, feel free to correct me!
First off, as a support your primary goal is to support your carry and making sure that your team stays healed and well enough to fight in team fights. So your starting items should always be these: Wards, Courier, 2 Clarity Bottle's, 1 set of Tangos, and 2 Ironwood Branches.
Early Game
Core Items
Now moving on to mid game - late game gameplay and core items. If you have farmed well by now, depending on your team you should either get Arcane Boots - which provide Mana for you and your team in team fights or when ganking, and that extra mana always comes in handy in order to make kills and keep your team mates in the fight for a little bit longer. Or if your team is not very mana depending you can always get Phase Boots for more speed which also comes in handy when trying to get into or out of fights, or when chasing an enemy. One of these two is a must!
Urn of Shadows! Another great core item which Dazzle must have in order to provide more healing power for his team, but also make damage to enemies. Urn of Shadows gains charges when an enemy hero dies near you, so when possible, try to stay as close as you can when an enemy hero is about to die. But again, remember, you are a support, and try not to die in these situations when trying to gain charges! Soul Ring - one more core item. When used, this ring will burn your HP by 150 to gain 150 Mana, so if you are on low health be careful with this item because it will drop your Health to 1 HP, just like Armlet of Mordiggian, and if enemies are close by they won't have the trouble to kill you with just one hit. This is a very good item for Dazzle because when you don't have anymore Mana left, you can use the Ring to gain some and cast Shallow Grave on yourself or a team mate in order to escape from being killed.
Drum of Endurance has two abilities.
Active ( Endurance ) gives +10% Bonus Attack Speed and +10% Movement to allies.
Passive ( Swiftness ) gives Bonus Movement and Attack Speed to allies.
This item is great for providing your team with a bit more attack and movement speed, also giving your team that little advantage as opposed to your enemies, which can make a difference when ganking, escaping or chasing an enemy alone.
Luxury Items are items that I almost never use, because often they are not a real necessity, but in some games they can come in handy and even win the game with some. If by late game you have farmed well enough, have gold to spare and open slots, then some of these luxury items might be helpful.
Eul's Scepter of Divinity gives you the ability to lift your enemies in a Cyclone up in the air for several seconds, providing you with enough time for your team to gather around and gank, or to escape depending on the situation. It also deals some damage when the enemy lands on the ground, and increases movement speed.
Scythe of Vyse or also known as Guinsoo has the ability to Hex your enemies and transform them into powerless animal creatures that are unable to attack or cast spells.
Shiva's Guard has two abilities which are Arctic Blast and Freezing Aura. When cast, this item releases a wave Arctic Blast that expands over time for up to 350 AOE and slows down enemies movement speed and also damaging them.
Boots of Travel can be useful for more movement speed and also the ability to Teleport anywhere on the map, be that on a tower in your base or an allied creep. It's great for pushing lanes and also escaping from enemies.
Abilities & Levels
You can see the order of which ability when to gain in the picture to the right, showing you exactly how you should pick abilities during the entire game. I will explain all four Dazzle abilities below.
Ability 1 - Casts a poisonous on an enemy, causing damage and slow over time, and eventually paralysis.
Ability 2 - Shallow Grave blesses an allied hero no matter how close to death and cannot die while under it's effect/protection.
Ability 3 - Shadow Wave heals several allies, which in turn cause damage equal to their healing in a small area around them. Dazzle is always healed and it does not count toward the number of targets.
Ability 4 - Weave applies a buff wave that increases armor of allied heroes while decreasing it for enemies, in the targeted area. Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.
So this is it folks, this is my Support guide for Dazzle! If you like, dislike or have something to add to it please feel free to comment!
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