
Saturday, September 20, 2014

Lycan - Carry Beast Guide

One more guide, this time for mighty Lycan!

Some of you may find this guide a bit noob friendly, but for me it has always worked no matter the game. Lycan is a powerful right-clicking carry who destroys his enemies with high damage and fast attack speed, but requires some micromanagement skills.

Lycan can also be used as a powerful split pusher due to his speed. This guide uses some jungling techniques until you gain some levels and enough gold to build your three core items.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Dazzle - Support Guide

As a first guide on this blog, I decided to open it up with one if my all time favorite heroes, or should I say supports. Dazzle!

What makes him one of my favorite heroes is mostly his flexibility and ability to adopt to any game and any role. This guide focuses on him as a support, using his healing ability to keep allied carry in lane as long as possible, making sure he survives with Shallow Grave while peaking later in the game with his powerful Poison Touch.

If you think I have made a mistake with some of his items, abilities or whatever, feel free to correct me!